Monday, July 7, 2014

4th of July!

 To celebrate the independence of our country, we had a small get together with family. We played volleyball, the boys shot clay pigeons, then they put on an impressive firework show for us.

Somehow nobody, except Kate, remembered to take any pictures... so I'm going to have to make-do with these two I found on her camera.

We only had one "almost-burned-us-all-up" firework. It shot in an arch right over us and when it exploded it rained sparks down on our heads. It was a big one too. Then Drew scared us all to death when he somehow managed to set off some type of firework in a small tub. In the shock of the moment, he kicked it at us in an attempt to get it away from himself. We couldn't get out of our chairs fast enough.

 Hope everyone stayed safe and had lots of fun!

In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.

Ephesians 3:12

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