Sunday, April 13, 2014

Unhectic? Yeah Right.

I'm going to start off by warning you that this is going to be a very long blog post which is kind of funny since pretty much everything I'm writing about happened today...

I did cut out about a million circles yesterday so I could sew them together for Glynne's bridal shower.  Glynne was also very helpful and made the cupcakes. Which, by the way, were gorgeous. 

Jonah is at the stage where all he eats is the icing...

 Ally and I headed over to Aunt Lauren and Uncle Kyle's before the party to help set things up! I'd say my circles were worth the three hours it took to make them.

Let the showering begin!

Debbie Dennett made this amazing quilt for Glynne's new house! It is awesome!

Jenna was getting LOTS of love from just about everybody!

Not too much longer till another little girl arrives! So excited!

Mom kept saying, "I can't believe this is already happening!"

It's crazy that after all these years of talking about weddings and things it can't actually be happening... can it?

After dropping the gifts off at the rental, we head home to rest for a second before driving to Augusta for the 5k.

I had to post some updated pictures of the rental. It doesn't even feel like the same house!

And... we're off to the race!

It was a glow run so we took some time to accessorize ourselves.

At the last minute Isaac decided to join us. He made it the first mile (which was really good for him!) then walked the rest.

My sweet girl...

I made it! Landon got too hot at about mile two and Ally stayed with him so Kate and I could finish.

Mom looks very majestic in this picture. Probably imagining herself crossing the finish line.

The glow sticks were very entertaining on the drive home...

And at home, we played ring the bottle for about an hour and a half.

So these last few days have been a little hectic. Mom assures us that we do not have a single "unhectic" weekend until the wedding. Bring it on.

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us looking to Jesus, the founder and protector of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1-2 


  1. The house looks great! Such a great place after some TLC.

  2. I finally got on the site today & it is awesome. The house looks lovely & hope to see it someday. Your family is great & I think a lot of each of you. Wish we could be together more often. Aunt Cora
