Thursday, April 3, 2014

Be Joyful!

I'm going to post a bunch of pictures of the last few days; so just think of this post as a couple Just at this Moment blogs!

Right at this Moment #1

A few days ago while the weather was nice, Mom set out to do the horrible job (along with the help of a couple kids) of deep cleaning the van.  

As you can probably guess... it's a large and time-consuming job.
So once the kids finished doing what they could with Mom, they got out the fun stuff...

As I was walking down to the campsite to hunt for them (can't remember why), I stumbled across a little surprise.

Jackson had killed this snake awhile before and put it on the stairs in hopes that Mom would find it and freak out.

I was pretty proud when I didn't... snakes aren't what scare me. Although, I did kill a spider in the kitchen with a towel yesterday, which I never would have down a couple years ago.

Right at this Moment #2

 Jonah is so good with Jenna! He loves to sit by her seat and rock her. We do have to remind him to be gentle sometimes but then he'll just say,"OOOhh" and slow it down again.  

Right at this Moment #3

Jonah has not been feeling the best lately, so it was super nice of Jack to entertain him for a bit!

Then I got it. And now I'm sitting in the chair in the kitchen with a cup of tea watching as Jack takes medicine. And to make things worse, this morning Mom said Dad wasn't feeling very good either.

The 5k is this weekend and I have no idea if I will be able to run it as I lost valuable training time and have not slept well for the last three nights. I guess we'll see...

And of course the house is as it almost always looks... maybe even a little more so.

I do have this precious girl in-front of me which has a way of making the bad stuff seem a little less bad.

A joyful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.

Proverbs 17:22

1 comment:

  1. Good post, looks like people are busy. Interestingly enough, the only night's sleep that really makes the 5k will be tonight's.
