Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Summit 2013 - Part 1

These past couple of days have been a huge adventure for me. I've navigated airports and flown on a plane all by myself for the first time.

     Here I am at the airport about to board my last flight! 
Flying. Alone. Is. Awesome. 
     I was flying on my own to get to The Summit in Manitou Springs, Colorado.  In case you haven't heard about it, The Summit is an apologetics conference marketed towards kids heading to college. They have awesome speakers that come in and talk to us about how to defend our stances on some really tough topics. Throughout 2 weeks we spend around 70 hours in lectures. Luckily, the subjects are really interesting so I'm not tempted to fall asleep... Despite having to be awake at 6:45 every morning. Yuck! 
    Thankfully, it's not all work and no play. Everyday we get a little free time to explore the town or go to a park and play sports. Other free time options include hiking Pikes Peak, climbing smaller mountains, visiting local tourist attractions, or just hanging out and talking to people.

Earlier today (Monday), we got to go see Garden of the Gods. It was gorgeous! But really hot... Still, the scenery made up for it.

     Here's a picture of the tiny little dorm/hotel room I share with my 3 roommates. The Summit is located in an old 1800s hotel at the center of Manitou Springs. It's such a cool place! It takes a little while to get used to it because it's HUGE. There are numerous staircases and random hallways and doors that lead out to the roof. I've had fun just exploring. 
    In the time I've been here (2 days), I know that I'm going to need some alone time occasionally (being with 181 people all the time is slightly exhausting)... but that I'm going to learn a TON. I'll try to write blogs throughout the week to keep you - and my family - updated! 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! It was so good to hear from you and see what you're experiencing. Thanks for the dorm room picture especially. You know how I love seeing the "normal" stuff. :) I LOVE you!
