Monday, June 24, 2013

Bucket List - #22

     Now that I'm back and Ally and Emma don't leave for another few weeks, we're really trying to whip out these bucket list items. I have only 47 days until my college classes start! Time is flying. 

     Because we drive up to Wichita for church, we figured it'd be the perfect time to stop by the mall and complete #22. Build-a-Bear! Oh, yeah, baby. 

We are SO excited to be the only teenagers in this store! Yes, we did get weird looks. 
I was like, what? 18 year olds can't warm up and kiss fabric hearts before putting it in an adorable stuffed teddy bear?? 

So, we got them all stuffed and washed up. Now it's the fun part. Picking out the outfits! 

We had so much fun. I'm not even kidding. 

After shopping around for a bit, we settled down to wait for our ride to pick us up. 
We dressed our bears in the middle of the food court and... got weird looks again. 
Seriously... Have people never seen teenage girls dressing bears in a food court before? 

They are so cute! Ally's is on the left (Darcey), mine is the middle (Hadlee), and Emma's is on the end (Tommy). 

I'd say this was a very successful bucket list check off! 

Keep checking back cause we're gonna be updating often! 

1 comment:

  1. That does look like fun! I miss you guys and love reading these updates!
