Monday, June 2, 2014

Keep'n Up!

The wedding was this weekend! We started getting the building ready on Thursday and worked until a couple hours before we had to be ready for pictures, or in Mom's case until thirty minutes before the wedding, although she still, somehow, managed to look amazing.

After all the tables were set up, Landon an I taped out the dance floor.

Ally and I decorated the Jeep for Glynne and Kyle to leave in. It was super cute!

That's all the pictures I have of the wedding/wedding set up but I'm sure there'll be more when we get all the official pictures. 

Jackson's birthday was the day after the wedding, so Mom invited friends and family over that morning to watch Jack open his presents and then watch Glynne and Kyle open theirs. 

Jack got a huge surprise when Dad showed up with a little red dirt bike.

He was super happy to finally get to ride with the big boys!

After opening all of their gifts, Glynne and Kyle left on their honeymoon.

Jack got a bunch of water balloon stuff for his birthday, so the kids were occupied for the rest of the day.

Today Jenna turned six months old! I took her out on a photo-shoot and got some pretty cute smiles out of her! 

She loves to sit up and stuff whatever she can into her mouth. She makes the cutest sounds and is seriously the most amazing thing ever!

Have an AWESOME week!

then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.

Philippians 2:2

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