Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Slenderman shows up at Emma's Party!

This year for my birthday I couldn't think of anything I wanted to do, so Ally came up with the idea of playing a life-sized version of video game Slenderman. It would be fun and we could cross it off our bucket list all in one. So that's what we did!

Before the party, Mom, Ally, and I went to get our hair cut, and I got bangs for
 the first time since I was like three. Exciting, I know!!
After that Mom took me to take the written exam for my learner's permit,
which, thankfully, I passed.  For lunch, Mom and we three older girls went to Pizza Hunt for some girl time.
Then, finally, it was time for the party. 

We ate, had dessert, took turns playing Slenderman (the video game)
 on Glynne's computer, then I explained how we were going to play the
 life-sized version of the game.

The point of the game is to collect eight notes hidden in a dark forest with a flashlight. But while you're hunting for the notes, Slenderman is somewhere in the trees, and if he catches you; you are dead.  The way we played, there were four teams of two, and one of three, if you or your teammate/s died, you had to go back to the house, and after you touched the porch you could continue to look for the notes.  Whoever had the least amount of deaths and the most notes at the end were the winners.
This is the map of our land I drew to show the boundaries.  We played on about twelve acres, which seems like a lot when you're walking around with only one other person and you are constantly aware that a masked person might suddenly pop out of the trees in front of you. 
Yeah, I really wasn't that scared.

Before we headed out, we had to get in the spirit by putting on blue tape
and bug-proofing ourselves.

Mom sent Dad out ahead of us to give him some time to hide. 
I think he embodied Slenderman perfectly.


Ally copied the real notes from the video game,
and Mom did a great job hiding them.

Jonah was absolutely terrified of Dad.


 Overall, it was a huge success and I think everyone had a great time.
This is a birthday I will never forget!


  1. You forgot to mention that Kyle and I won... ;)

  2. that sounds fun hope i get to to that sum time slender man is awsome!!!]

  3. I was in 2. Place with my teem Eli, Ana
