Saturday, July 20, 2013

Makin' Progress!

We've knocked off a ton of bucket list items this time! We did #13, #16, and #36. So... Maybe not a ton. But it was a lot for one day! 

Our first item was #16 - try the grossest sounding snow-cone flavors. 

I tried Tiger Blood, Emma got Cookie Dough, and Ally decided on Chocolate. 

EW. They were all pretty nasty. I thought mine was the best since it tasted a little like gummy bears. I don't really like gummy bears... but it was way better than Emma's and Ally's. Talk about disgusting!           They. Were. Gross. 
We didn't finish them.

Not that the people who made them aren't talented snow-cone artists! It's just the flavor syrup is... not pleasing to our taste-buds. 

Next up was #13! Leave a nice note on someones car. We parked at Walmart and chose a random car to leave this note and $3 with. 

While we were at Walmart we picked up supplies for #36 - homemade ice cream. 

Of course... I forgot to check and see how much ice cream the recipe made, so we ran out of condensed milk. 

Being inventive, I quickly looked up a substitute recipe and Emma whipped it up really fast. 

It's weird looking I know. But it smelled good! 

We were hopeful! 

...and then the machine wouldn't turn on. Luckily, we have a Dad who can fix anything! Our hero. 

We got it going and waited! 

This is the part where I mess up. Dad left to go flying and so I was in charge of watching and replacing the ice. Unfortunately, I fell asleep for a few hours and it all melted. Yeah. 

So we ended up drinking ice cream soup. 

In all honesty, it tasted really good! It just would have been better actually frozen. But we rolled with it! 

A few days afterwards, we knocked another one off. Stargazing! Taking pictures with my ipod at night with the flash is difficult... The flash is blinding! But, we had so much fun trying to find constellations, even if we weren't very good. At all. It's a lot more difficult than I thought! Pretty much the only ones we could find were the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper. 

And I'm not even positive it was really the Little Dipper. So, yeah, it was difficult. 

We've done 12, which means we have 27 left! 

We can do this! 

Check out the remaining challenges by clicking this link - Summer 2013 Bucket List!

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