Monday, July 15, 2013

Cousin Camp Part 2

I'm back and ready to finish the post about Cousin Camp 2013.  The last thing I wrote about was archery.  After everyone had a turn - including the adults - we roasted marshmallows and whoever wanted to take a dip in the pool did.  So now we are ready for...

Day 3
Jonah wakes up and looks a little rough!  After breakfast, the moms go shopping locally - Posh, Junk Generatioin, Thrift Store, and since my cousins are from Kansas City they say it's fun to try a new Wal-Mart, so Wal-Mart!

After shopping, I load up five kids and we meet Bryan and three others at Winfield Lake.
Landon remembered how to ski!  I was so proud of him. 
 Patrick gets his picture taken at just the right moment!

Gibson, 13, is also an awesome skier. 

Out of place picture - This is the night swim I talked about earlier.  Doesn't Glynne have enormous feet?? Actually, Emma is behind her own legs and Glynne is hugging them.  Funny, huh?
Before playing volleyball, we all gathered in our basement to watch the Cousin Camp Dance Video.  It was so cute.  The room was filled with laughter!!  We then put in last year's video and had more laughs. Glynne did a wonderful job directing and editing both videos.  Thank you Glynne!!!
I LOVE playing volleyball!!  We had so many people that wanted (or got begged) to play that we actually had to rotate out. Now that is exciting!!

(L to R) Alicia, Aunt Pat, Andrea
They live in Kansas City and are wonderful guests.  They didn't let a crumb stay on the floor for more than 2 seconds!!!
 That was the end of Day 3...on to
Day 4
The last day started out very early.  We left our house at 6:15 to drive to Wellington so these four could race in the 5K wHEAT Run.  It was so much fun to cheer them on!  They did great.

This is the Ping-Pong table I mentioned in the first post.  Can you believe it!?!  I had no idea they were making something so cool. Gibson even had the idea of staining the 2x4s.  It looks really nice.  We have since moved it to our stone slab where the pool is and have enjoyed it immensely! 

The whole gang! 

See the hand waving good-bye??  So sad.  Until next year... 


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