Thursday, March 28, 2013

Summer Bucket List

     We all get really excited for school to be out and summer to start. Although once it's here, we get bored. No more dance, no more school, no more scheduled anything. We love to stay busy, so Ally had the brilliant idea of composing a summer bucket list. Our goal is to complete all the things on the list from April until the first week of August when I start college.

Summer Bucket List - 2013
  1. Draw a mural with street chalk in the middle of a street in the middle of the night. 
  2. Bonfire! With s'mores of course. 
  3. Town-wide scavenger hunt. 
  4. Compile a list of movies we've always wanted to see, and watch them all. 
  5. Go bowling.
  6. Water gun and balloon fights. 
  7. Have a themed dinner party. 
  8. Lake day! Build an EPIC sandcastle. 
  9. Catch fireflies and put them in a jar. 
  10. Go to the fair and eat a lot of fair food. 
  11. Play flashlight tag. 
  12. Learn constellations, then lay on the trampoline and find (or pretend to find) them all. 
  13. Leave a note on someone's car window. Not a creeper note. A nice note. 
  14. Celebrate a foreign holiday. 
  15. Climb trees. 
  16. Get snowcones! But only the grossest sounding flavors. 
  17. Make projects from Pinterest. This is a "no duh" for us. 
  18. Light a dandelion on fire. Supposedly, it's really cool. 
  19. Make water pinatas. 
  20. Play badminton. 
  21. Dye one strip of hair a crazy color. 
  22. Go to Build a Bear and... build a bear! 
  23. Pick out an outfit in a magazine to recreate from Goodwill. 
  24. Make popcorn the old-fashioned way. (This would go well with #4.)
  25. Make a house of cards. 
  26. Play ding-dong-ditch but leave gifts for people! 
  27. Play a life-size game of Slenderman. 
  28. Photoshoots! 
  29. Go to a golfing range. Fail. Then laugh at our failure. 
  30. Find a car that has epicly failed at parking. Draw them their own personalized spot with chalk. 
  31. Fill water balloons with pudding and/or jello. War!! 
  32. Body paint on a large canvas. 
  33. Play messy Twister with paint. 
  34. Make bacon milkshakes. (This is inspired by the boys in our youth group. Talk about bacon obsessed!)
  35. Braid flower crowns. 
  36. Homemade ice cream! Oh. Yes. 
  37. Go geocaching. 
  38. Catch turtles and have a turtle race! 
  39. Fly kites. Optional: Sing "Let's Go Fly a Kite" from Mary Poppins.

That is our list! We're going to be blogging on them as we check them off. Oh, and we'll be adding to the list. If you have ideas you'd love to see us do - comment!!! 

Monday, March 25, 2013

Spring Break 2013

I've been so bad about keeping up with this blog lately! My schedule was hectic before spring break, and I had no motivation to do anything during break. I'll do a better job now that things are back to normal! 

Anyway, like I said, things were crazy before break because I was in a show called Vikings on Broadway. It's an awesome show, but it took up a TON of my time. I was missin' my sisters! We knew that the weather was gonna be 80 degrees one Friday, so we decided we'd have an adventure day. 

Of course, we had to stop at Sonic before heading out to Chaplain Nature Center. 

The beach there is so much fun! Even with the 80 degree weather, the water was a little chilly. We mostly waded and splashed each other.

Emma was trying to take a picture of me and Ally. She kept saying, "I can't even see you guys!" 
I wonder why... 

We made an awesome sandcastle - complete with sand trees and a sand graveyard. 

Overall, we had such a great time together! I'm so blessed to have my sisters as my best friends. There's nothing that can beat that. 

We had so much fun that day, that we wanted to take the little kids and some of our friends back. Unfortunately, there was a slight difference in temperature. Of about 30 degrees. That didn't stop us! 

The kids didn't care that the water was freezing. Isaac ended up falling in and getting completely soaked. 

Jackson cannonballed into the water. Let me remind you - it was less than 50 degrees! 

Jonah hated the sand. Hated it! 


Our friend, Drew, is a model and Kyle (our other friend) is a high-end photographer.
 I'm sure you could tell from the picture. 

Once the kids got out of the water, they started complaining about the cold. We started the long trek back up to the cars half carrying various children. I told the kids we had to stay out a little longer though to give Mom and Dad more date time. Drew kindly offered to have us all out to his place for a bonfire and s'mores. Even half frozen little kids can't turn that down. Because of the s'mores, the day ended on a high note. Thanks, Drew and family! 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Gary the Giraffe

Hey guys! It's Emma again.  There hasn't been anything interesting going on at our house lately, so my mom suggested that I do a blog about our giraffe, Gary.  A few times each year we get the measuring chart out; it's fun to see how much we've grown throughout the years.
These are our current heights. 

Ally and I are now an inch taller than Glynne and rub it in her face 
whenever we get the chance, but she's a good sport.  Love ya, Glynne!

To end this blog, Mom said I should list everybody's heights at the age of five, so here they are:
I was the tallest at 3'9 1/4
Then Isaac at 3'8
Kate at 3'7 3/4
Next is Ally at 3'7 1/4
Then Landon at 3'6 1/2
Then last but not least, Jack at 3'5 3/4

On the chart there is a verse that says: But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  2 Peter 3:18
I'll leave you with that thought.
Have an awesome day!