Sunday, February 17, 2013

Dress Refashion #2

Ally found this lovely selection at our local Goodwill. If you have seen my previous post - The Refashionistas - you probably already know where this is going.


Ally wasn't happy I was taking photos. But I was like, "Dude! The blog readers are gonna wanna see this masterpiece!" You are welcome, readers. 
The sleeves came off... 

I started pinning away! This is a good time to mention that I did this refashion all by myself. I need to practice a bit... But it wasn't too awful for my first attempt. 

I took in each side by about 3 inches. The tag said small... but that's not a small to me. Oh, well. More sewing means more fun!

I got bored and began acting like a nut. No surprise there. 

Being a semi-professional (HA!), I quickly resumed the task at hand. 

We decided to cut off about 9 inches from the bottom. Later, I turned this into a thick sash. 

I (finally) convinced Ally to help by ironing down the hem around the bottom of the dress. She didn't do too badly... But some practice wouldn't hurt. 

Just kidding! Love you, sis. :) 

After sewing up the hem at the bottom, we were done! Yay! 

How cute is this dress?! It's like, WAY cute. 



You guys, I think I'm totally addicted to refashioning now. I have only one more dress (Emma's) to do before I need another project... 

I'm sure Goodwill will be seeing a lot of me! 

1 comment:

  1. If you need another project, you can make a dress for me! Once my college classes slow down a bit (Haha) I want to start refashioning some old clothes :)
