Monday, January 7, 2013

Ski Trip - Part 1

 * I wrote this blog while in Colorado. Our internet wasn't fast enough to upload pictures, so I waited until we returned to post it. I may be wrong, but I think pictures make a blog so much more fun to read! 

     Right now, I am in Colorado - sitting in front of a blazing fire with my slippers on and my feet up. I have wifi (albeit slow wifi...) which makes me happy. And I just ate two peanut butter and chocolate kiss cookies. Life is great.  


      Mom tried to put Jonah to bed, which caused him to scream. Then Dad and I decided to hide in the back bedroom. Not quite as picturesque as the fire, but much quieter. Until Jack and Isaac decided to start jumping on the bed next door while yelling. All the while, Landon is whistling. I hate whistling.  It's really hard to find peace and quiet cramming 10 people into a little cabin.  But, it's only for 4 days so we can make anything work. Wish us luck. 

We left yesterday morning true to Davis fashion. 3 hours late. Here are some pictures showing the chronological order of our trip so far. 

We figured that we had about 8 hours to drive the first day before stopping in Denver for the night. 

Of course, Mom HAD to go to IKEA while we were so close. 

We girls had fun walking around and picking out our favorite rooms. 

Ally and I decided that when we live together in college, this is what our apartment will look like. Wouldn't that be great?!  

Mom takes forever in IKEA. It's understandable since it's pretty much her favorite store and she only gets to go every two years or so. But she does take forever. We all got bored.

 Finally.... We arrived at the cabin! Mom was worried because there were no pictures of the kitchen on the internet. This is probably why. The thing was TINY. This picture makes it look bigger than it actually was. I'm talkin' miniature kitchen, ladies and gentlemen.

Here is our dining room. We managed to fit all 10 of us around this table. Practically magic. 

The living room was really cozy - almost too cozy. The fireplace made everything ridiculously warm. I had issues sleeping because it heated the whole place so well. Ally and Emma both got mad because I kept them awake complaining about it. Well, that and Dad's snoring from the room below. 

Mom and Dad gave up the master suite so all of us girls could share. Instead, they took this smaller room next to the boys. 

This is where 3 of the boys slept. We moved Jonah's playpen up to our closet due to the fact that the boys were very rowdy the whole trip. 

This is the girls room. A few hours after this picture, our room was transformed. A trundle bed was set up for Kate, and an air mattress was blown up for Emma. The entire floor could not be seen at all. 

Mom said I just HAD to take a picture of the boot lined up neatly on top of the washer and dryer. She adores stuff like this. 

Mom had announced that we would have cookies every night after dinner. Hey, it's vacation! We get to eat whatever we want. 

And there was the end of that day. All of us crowded around a tiny table. Honestly, the worst thing about the cabin is the lack of insulation. Not because it's cold - but because it is SO LOUD. There is no place to go that's quiet. That's really the only bad thing. 

Tomorrow is a big day for us! We will all (with the exception of Mom and Dad) be skiing for the first time. I'm hoping no one will return home with broken bones. Unfortunately, I'm expecting that Landon and Isaac will surpass us older girls on the slopes before long. Sometimes having talented little brothers is tough on my self-confidence.  

Just kidding. I'm awesome. 

Also kidding. Haha! 

Wish us luck on the slopes! 

1 comment:

  1. A) Yes, pictures always make a blog better! :)
    B) That looks like a lovely apartment! I would do that with mine if I could paint walls.
    C) That is a tiny kitchen! But not as tiny as mine, I win in that category!! :) Wait...that's not a good thing.
    D) I've never been to IKEA. Sad face.
    E) And I'd say you're pretty awesome!
