Sunday, April 14, 2013

Checkin' Off The List

     It's not quite summer... But we've decided to start working on our bucket list. I'm not going to have a lot of time this summer to get it all done before college starts, and there's no way I'm letting them do this stuff without me! 

Ally made us this giant list so we can officially check them off. 

     We invited some friends over to help us with #34 and #37. We've decided we don't have to complete the list in order, as long as we blog on each item. 

     The first thing we chose to check off was geocaching! It was pretty fun! We went all over the town.

Emma's pants are like camouflage... Haha! 

     Next, we tackled the bacon milkshakes. The boys in our youth group are obsessed with bacon. They believe that bacon is great in anything. We agreed that trying a bacon milkshake is worthy of a place on the bucket list. 

So... we candied some bacon. 

Chopped it into pieces. 

And put the bacon, milk, and ice cream into the blender. 

     It was actually tasty! Jackson had two cupfuls, and I'm pretty sure my dad had three... I'd say it was successful! 

We are super excited to check off another item on our list. 
Hm... Which one to do? You'll have to wait and see!

Keep track of the list! Click here!

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