A while back, I saw this image on Pinterest (Is it just me, or do a ton of my blogs start that way?)...
And I knew that Katie and I had to try to make them! Katie is a master of paper snowflakes, so if anyone could do it, it would be her.
A few days ago, she posted this picture onto my Facebook wall.
Beautiful, huh? I was so excited to try my hand at making some.
So, we planned a Harry Potter movie/snowflake ballerina cutting night!
We had to rewind the movie a few times because we forgot to pay attention... but we had a great time.
I just adore them!
I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet. In the picture, they're hanging from the ceiling, but I'm not sure I want a bunch hanging from my ceiling...
Eh, I'm sure I'll figure out something to do with them!
Have an awesome week!