Friday, January 11, 2013

Ski Trip - Part 3

     In the last blog, I mentioned that a kid in Jackson's class had come down with the stomach flu. This is where that becomes important to the story. On Friday morning, we were all a little sore, and a little tired, but we were still excited to ski. All morning, Jackson just laid on the couch and complained that his stomach was bothering him. I was in the kitchen when I heard, "GLYNNE! GET A BOWL!" 

    Yep. He threw up. Twice. 

     Now... I do not handle vomit well. Instead of giving the bowl to Dad, I just stood there and plugged my ears. Needless to say, Jackson threw up on the floor of the cabin instead of a bowl. Dad wasn't happy with me. Anyway, we continued the process of getting everyone ready and out the door. Jackson insisted that he get to ski on the bigger bunny hill because his instructor had promised him that he was ready. 

     By the time we got to the ski lodge, I was not feeling well at all. I thought it just might be car sickness from the winding road, but it wasn't. Dad gave me some anti-nausea medication - then informed me that it causes sleepiness. We all really wanted Mom to be able to ski, so I said I'd just watch Jonah instead. Finally, it was time for Jackson to hit the "big" slopes! 

     After a few runs down the hill, he crashed. And crashed HARD. No, he didn't fall down. He took his coat off, laid on the ground and didn't move. People were staring. It was great. At some point, we stopped watching the kids ski long enough to head out to the car to eat lunch. Afterwards, Mom drove Kate (who was tired of constantly falling over), Jonah (who was tired), Jack (who was sick and tired), and myself (who was feeling better but still tired) back to the cabin. 

Jonah and I had so much fun hanging out together. It doesn't really look like he enjoyed it in this picture... but I promise he did! 

     The next day, we woke up and started the packing/cleaning process. Surprisingly, we only left an hour later than planned! We're making progress, people. 

Mom has decided that we have to take a family picture in front of the places we stay during vacation. This picture included me setting up the camera on a timer and running through snow (which was concealing big rocks - perfectly placed for me to kill myself), and dashing up the stairs. Multiple times. I'm pretty sure my eyes are closed in every single shot. Eh.

We were all SO HAPPY to be home! We girls agreed that we missed our bathroom almost as much as we missed our rooms. 

Have a great weekend! 

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