Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Ski Trip - Part 2

     On Thursday we all woke up early (for us anyway) and scrambled to get everyone bundled up and out the door. We kids were signed up with a ski instructor for a 3 hour lesson that morning. Except Jackson. He went to a kids daycare at the lodge where they skied for a bit and then got to watch movies and eat snacks. I was a little jealous of his day - it sounded like fun to me! Until we discovered that a kid in his class had gotten sick and thrown up... we'll hear more about that later. Anyway, we all finally got through the ski rental process and were ready for our lesson. I did expect the boots to be uncomfortable, but not the agony that they were! Emma and I both suffered greatly from the boots.

     The lesson started out awkwardly for all of us. Several of us fell while trying to get on the conveyor belt that took us up the tiny little hill. I have never felt so clumsy in my life. When our instructor told us that we were finally ready to hit the bigger bunny hill, we were so excited! For a while, Landon had been telling us that he didn't feel well. We just assumed that it was because he was overheated, so we made him drink lots of water. That didn't help. About halfway to the bigger hill, he said he was going to pass out and sat down. None of us were sure if it was his *ED, asthma, or simply altitude sickness. We tried finding Mom and Dad, but Mom had left to take care of Jonah and Dad was somewhere on the mountain. (None of our phones had service.) Eventually - after a big hullabaloo with several ski instructors trying to help, we decided that one of us girls would take turns sitting with him until he felt better. He was anxious to ski, so his recovery didn't take long. Soon we were all skiing easily down the hill. Isaac was AWESOME! He picked it up so quickly and never lost control. He was the best of all of us.

     After a couple runs down the bunny hill, Dad found us and our instructor suggested that we all try a real slope.

     You wanna know what I think? Skiing is pretty easy. The hardest part is getting off the stupid lift! It freaked me out every time. And yes. I fell down. Lots.

     After a couple good runs, and a couple good spills. We girls decided to call it a day. Emma had quit earlier on account of a bloody nose, and Kate was having a rough time staying upright. The boys and Dad were having a good time though, and wanted to try a blue run before the day ended. Later, Dad told us that they barely made it down. Landon had a relapse and had to be practically carried down the mountain. Poor guy.

     That marked the end of our first day of skiing. I was complaining about my sprained thumb and aching shins, Ally had somehow twisted both of her wrists and her boots were too small, Emma didn't get to ski much because of a bloody nose, and Mom said that Jonah was NOT happy until she took him all the way back to the cabin. We didn't get any pictures that day... so this blog is going to have to be a boring picture-less blog. I did take lots of the pictures the next day! Keep an eye out for the next post.

Have a great day! 


  1. Always enjoy reading about your family and your many "adventures" Where did you guys go skiing at? Sounds like it was fun!

    1. Thank you! We went to Monarch in Colorado. It was pretty fun!
