Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Time!

Miracles do happen! I logged onto the blog to finally fix our little problem... but it had fixed itself! Absolutely nothing was wrong. I am so thankful! I really do not like trouble-shooting problems. 

So much has happened since we left off, that I can't really catch up. Therefore, I'm just going to start with Christmas. 

Kansas is bipolar. It's December and the weather is always changing. Somedays we don't even need a jacket and the next we're bundling up just to walk to the car. The boys were so disappointed we didn't have snow, so they decided to simulate sledding. Using various wheeled toys (such as: wagons, trikes, bikes, and scooters) they sped down the hill in our backyard. 

You may be thinking, "What? Isn't that a little dangerous?" 

Why, yes. Yes, it is. But they are boys, and this is what boys do. A little scrape is worth the memories. 

Actually, at the end of the day, no one got hurt at all! I think that counts as another miracle. 

With Christmas also comes cleaning! The way less fun side of Christmas, but it's necessary. 

This is how we organize the jobs. 

I LOVE this picture! 

Mom... does not. 

Jonah likes to help whoever folds the laundry. 

Mom decided to make cleaning fun by adding Santa hats! 

Yeah... still not fun. But the little kids looked cute!

While we slaved away, Jonah was enjoying running around and around our coffee table pulling a trashbag. He was giggling like a maniac. So. Funny. 

Well, there you go! That was the beginning of our Christmas. 

We hope your holiday was as good as ours! 

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