Sunday, February 22, 2015

More Than You Ever Wanted to Know!

Once I started writing all this down, I couldn't help posting! -Julie

So here it goes...

A while back, my mom was over at our house and she was humored and amazed by all the different antics happening constantly.  She said, "Julie, you really need to write some of this stuff down.  I know you don't have much time, but you'll be really glad you did."  So a few days ago, I got the bug to write down, every hour, what was happening from MY perspective as a mom with many. I don't think she meant I document my whole day just "happenings," but I wanted to so one day I could read the account with a smile on my face and probably tears flowing down my cheeks!

Warning:  Speed reading is necessary AND the punctuation is really screwy.

Jonah (3) has been up a while eating cereal and watching tractor videos. And... I so wished I could've said we started our day reading the Bible and reciting our Bible verses, but that didn't happen this day. Most days it does. Today it didn't.

8:15 a.m.- 9:30 a.m.
- Throw on some clothes, make a cup of coffee, take Landon (14) to P.E.
- Back home. Unload dishwasher.
- Help Jonah unload silverware.
- Discipline Jonah's bad attitude.
- Wash extra dishes by hand.
- Discuss dance costume Ally (18) found for Emma (16) at Dollar General. Go figure!
- Make Jenna oatmeal.
- Set out items for pink salad.
- Tell Kate (11) a friend texted her. She uses my phone to reply. Asks me to spell "company." Oh no. She can't spell company? Relieved. She can. Just wanted to be sure. Whoo.
- Remind Isaac (10) and Jack (7) to start cleaning bedroom.
- Jonah (3) and Emma (16) are getting into it in the pantry. It's over. Hug Jonah.
- Remind Isaac and Jack to get started on their room again.
- Make egg and toast for my breakfast.
- Begin eating egg and toast at 9:30.
- 9:31 hear Kate scream MOMMMM! Jonah spilled water in his bedroom and meant to!
 Ok. I will take care of it. You just work on your room. (Did I mention we are having company tonight?)
- 9:32 Finish egg and toast.
- 9:33 Shouldn't make another cup of coffee - am late to pick up Landon.

9:45 - 10:45
- Back home.
- Return a text.
- Forward Bryan 2 texts about tonight's dinner plans.
- Settle fight in boys' bedroom.
- Notice stuff coming out from under Jack's bed, help clean under it.
- Emma's frustrated. Having trouble loading Microsoft Office on her laptop. We figure it out.
- Start Algebra 2 with her, doesn't need me. Great.
- Check on Jenna, Kate has her.
- Feed Jenna oatmeal. She dances and bobs her head - love that girl!
- Jonah rides scooter around us the whole time and is LOUD.
- Remember chicken in freezer. Must thaw. Oh no. No one put it in freezer. Find it in refrigerator.
  Smell check. It's good. Praise God.
- Take Jenna downstairs to see how Emma is doing on her math. She's done - understood it all!
- Check on boys - SLOW progress - help them.
- Landon (14) frustrated. Can't put nut on his RC car. I attempt to put nut on - fail.
- Boys screaming that Jonah stinks. He does. Whew! We go upstairs.
- See pile of boots on steps. Ask Jonah to carry up a couple boots that belong in mudroom.
- He whines and cries. SPANKING. Good now. He is obeying.
- Jonah attempts to engage me in chase. DUDE. I JUST WANT TO CHANGE YOUR PANTS!!
- Jenna is dropped back off to me.
- Jonah wants Jenna to kiss and hug him. She does! Sweet moment.

10:45 - 11:45
- Go check on boys - again.
- They have vacuumed - missed some stuff.
- Send Isaac and Jack up to start on math.
- Re-vacuum without them knowing.
- Walk over to turn Jack's lamp on - room will look better :)
- Won't work - ugh!
- Take light bulb from Landon's room - won't work either. I won't give up.
- Take one from mantel - too lazy to go upstairs. Just want to see room clean with lamp on!!!
- Yay! Works. Stand back - admire. Room looks awesome.  Do I hear yelling?? Yes, I do.
- Go upstairs. Grab rest of the boots.
- Boys mad at Jonah.
- He needs some attention. Take Jonah and begin a puzzle with him.
- A rhyming puzzle. Done. He wants another.
- The "Kids Dress-up" puzzle is next. Quiz him on what they are.
- Puts puzzle pieces back in bag with his chubby toddler hands.  We count each one - 38.
- Jonah's super hyper after sitting still for all of 12 minutes. Needs physical activity. Trying to think of something.
- While I am contemplating, Isaac (10) wants to show me a glider he made for science.
- I watch him fly it. It crashes. Jonah runs to pick it up. Throws it. Isaac mad. Jonah cries.
- I've thought of something. I go get Jonah dressed.
- I tell him he is going to run around the house 2x and barrel roll down our side hill. He's happy.
- Jack wants to go. Can't find shoes. Sad.
- Jonah goes without him. I watch Jonah. He isn't rolling or running.
- He comes back in the front door with dead grass, "This is for you.  Put it somewhere!" Ok. Thanks.
- Jack finds shoes. Goes out, rolls down hill, runs around house. Comes in huffing. I love that kid.
- In the family room, Jenna struggles to climb on her scooter. I watch her make it go forward! Big smiles! Go Jenna!
- Hug her. Smell something. Change her. Bottom red. Leave diaper off for a bit.
- Note to self - remember to put diaper back on.
- Must deal with chicken now.
- Jonah is screaming. Leave bathroom to see what is going on!

11:45 a.m. - 12:45 p.m.
- Kate puts diaper on Jenna while I start preparing ranch chicken with Jonah.
- Find recipe. First place - not there. Second place - jackpot.
- Gather supplies.
- Ask Jonah to find his plastic hammer.
- He crushes the cornflakes with me. Loves it. Of course.
- Next we melt butter. He struggles to pull barstool over to watch. I help. He begs to stir. I say ok.
- I scrub his hands and push up his sleeves. We're ready to dip chicken in mixture.
- Two huge pans later we're done. Looks yummy.
- Survey the damage 1 year-old did while we were busy.
  Unloaded drawers of metal lids and sippy cups - not too bad.
- Landon (14) comes in and wants to know what's for lunch. I ask him to check the chalkboard for ideas. He's confused. Which chalkboard? The mudroom one.
- He declares he can't make any of it.
- Really? Ok. I throw out a few ideas. He doesn't seem to like what he hears. :)
- Meanwhile, I start lunch for the little people. I call up Kate (11) to tell me how to make something she ate last week with a friend and suggested we try. I'd bought the stuff, so we had everything. Yay!
- I cut up some cantaloupe while she assemblies tortilla roll-ups. Teamwork. I like it.
- Jenna smears her food instead of eating it.
- Jonah pesters me to eat mine, but I want mine. I give in. Ok. One bite.
- He needs a drink. Wants my help pouring Crystal Light. Ok. Can I just sit for a second?... I guess not.
- Pour drink...I'm thirsty too, I think. Wait, I hear the T.V. I holler, "Turn it off! Come upstairs and get some lunch."
- Round two.  What is there? How do you make it? Can you make it for me? Is this all there is? Do we have to eat it?
- Things settle down. Baby still in high chair. Needs to be cleaned off. I survey lunch damage.
- You could make a whole meal with the stuff that dropped on the floor and is left on the counter!
- Must check time. Landon and Isaac need ride to work. (They help out at my brother's internet  business Friday afternoons.)
- I want to go in and say hi to my sister, but...I still haven't showered or brushed my hair.
- I still have time. Maybe. Maybe not. Jonah is back and kind of whiny. Could he be getting tired? Let's hope so!

12:45 - 1:45
- Notice water boiling in kitchen. Find out Isaac started Mac-n-Cheese and forgot it.
- Noodles are ruined. I am too nice. Drain. Restart water. Must remember to tell Isaac.
- I realize I need something... Chocolate. Do I have some? Yes, I do! Lock self in bedroom. Half- price Valentine's candy isn't gross. Want coffee. Don't want to take a chance of someone seeing me. Must do without. Ahhhh. This is great. Ohhh. And it's quiet. Thank you, Jesus.
- Wait...I hear screaming. Noooo. Yes. Yes, I do. I strain harder, squint my eyes. Does it sound serious? Kind of. But I want a few more pieces before I start consoling. Gotta hurry. The crying is coming closer....and closer....and closer. Mommmaaaaa.....Go unlock door. Invite toddler to join me. Crying slows down. I hand him one. He looks at me slightly confused, but delighted and asks, "Why are we eating chocolate for dinner? That is not good." It's not dinner. Just a little snack for you and mommy. He smiles.
- Party's over. 16 year-old yells MOM! MOM! I stash the bag and walk into the kitchen.
- She hands me Jenna holding a container of Play-doh. She speaks for Jenna, "You have to ask momma." I am thinking, not a good idea. This would take some major supervision, and, honestly, I just don't want to. On to the next thing...
- Reading 3 books to Jonah before he goes down - for a nap that is. I climb under the stairs to his bed. We settle in for...5 seconds. "I'm thirsty. Go upstairs and get me some of that." (Crystal Light) Say please. He does. I climb off bed. Go get drink. Come back. Settle in...again. Read My Lucky Day, (voices and all), I'm Busy, and Can You See What I See? Jenna rattles door. Makes her way in wanting to be on bed too. Toddler doesn't want her, pushes her head. No. Jonah. Be nice. Hold both of them. Jenna is tired and crying too. Knocks artwork off wall. Can't finish last story. He doesn't even protest (small miracle), just wants his music Wee Sing on. Sure. Tuck him in.
- Ask Jack (7) and Isaac (10) to move their "SORRY SLIDERS" game upstairs. Don't want to wake the giant!
- Go upstairs to put Jenna down. Walk into kitchen. Ask Isaac to put silverware away before he goes to work. He's says he's busy and asks ME to do it.  Uhhh. Sorry bud.
- Retreat to master bedroom. Sit for a few minutes with Jenna. Notice baby boogers. Pick them. She hates it. Nurse her. Put her in Pack-n-Play in our closet - yes closet. Tuck cozy blanket around her. That's it. She finds her thumb and she's quiet.
- Now to get Landon and Isaac to work. Can't go in and say hi to my sister....still haven't changed my clothes or brushed my hair!
1:45 - 2:45
- Home again. Pick up trash from garage floor as I make my way to the door thinking "we are slobs."
- Oliver (our dog) looks at me with sad eyes.  Oh yeah. Kate told me we were out of dog food. Ahhh.
- Walk into house...hear the T.V. again!! Are you serious? Walk downstairs - don't want to yell and wake the babies.
-Notice Kate still hasn't taken up dirty cups from Jenna's room or gotten that pillow and blanket I asked her to get.  (Yes. Jenna has a room, but it's too far away from us, and this weekend we have a good friend coming.)
- Remember the Cool Whip has probably thawed. Knock on Emma's (16) door. Look up. She is playing her guitar. Wow. Never thought she played it. Good. Remind her to make cherry salad for dinner.
- Oh yeah. Her "History of Christianity" paper is due today. I ask how it's going. She says it's done, but it's not very long. No surprise there. I want to read it...but later; she suggests I read it now. Sit down. Am pleasantly surprised. Is short, but good. Can't wrap my mind around footnoting it now. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe never. :)
- Must find Jack (7). Time for 100 Easy Reading Lessons.  The title is deceiving. It is actually quite painful!
- Is finally quiet here. We snuggle on the couch.  Lesson 88: The Beagle Meets an Eagle Part II.
He does pretty well. Moving on to his devotion book, God's Amazing Creatures and Me!. Lastly, 2 pages of Explode the Code.
- Wait.... Shhh....Is that Jonah I hear? He was supposed to sleep longer! He rubs his eyes as he makes his way toward me.  Part of me is happy to see him and part is not.
- Now that Jonah is up, I NEED to finish Jack's school. Jackson starts talking about something - I don't know what - and then asks if I know what kind of slingshot David used to kill Goliath. I say I don't know. He INSISTS I keep guessing. I DON'T KNOW! But nicely, I say, please just tell me. He does, but I still don't know what he's talking about. :)
- We finish his school and then the boys help me spray cupcake tins for Rhodes Rolls. I listen to them. Jack laughs. Jonah laughs. Jack laughs louder. Jonah as well. I wonder how is it that I am so happy at this point.

2:45 - 5:00
- Then a fight breaks out with the Saran wrap and me. I win, and the rolls get covered.
- I look around. This place is a disaster. Must really start working now.
- Unload, load dishwasher AGAIN.
- No dish rags or dish towels in drawer. Ugh. Go check dryer. Restock drawer.
- Enlist the help of Kate (11), the only big kid at home, to save me.
- She cleans the family room while I wipe the counters, sweep the floor, tell Jackson what chores to start, clean coffee grounds out of small sink, wipe gunk off of the refrigerator handles, wipe down the dishwashers, put new liners in the trash. Basically, burn many, many calories.
- Don't want to have to pick up boys. Text oldest daughter (she works there too) and ask her to bring them home.
- Kate tidies up sunroom while I whip together five boxes of scalloped potatoes.
- Clean up mess. Wipe counters again. Look at the time. Have small panic attack. Still need to shower and get ready.
- Dear friend arrives. Oldest daughter (20), who's dear as well, arrives too. We exchange niceties.

5:00 - 6:00
- Hop in the shower - no time to wash hair.
- Get Jenna dressed. Put pigtails in her hair.
- Get self dressed. Ask boys to change clothes they've had on for 2 straight days. They BEG me not to. They say they aren't that dirty. Whatever.
- Go back in bathroom. Hair looks sort of greasy. Put it up. On goes make-up and earrings.
- Realize I am tired and slowing down.
- Kids yell, "Dad is home!"
- Go greet Bryan. Kiss him.
- He grabs the baby. I love that.
- Join in the conversation happening in kitchen.
- Phone rings. Search for it. Still ringing. Can't find it! See it! Breathlessly, answer it.
- Our guests are running a bit late.
- That is ok I tell them. It gives me time to catch my breath.

6:15 - 11:00ish
- Our friends arrive. They are another large family. Brought 6 of their 7 kids. Realize while we are eating, that it is loud...quite loud, but everyone is happy. Of course, they are. There are twenty-one people sharing a meal and lively conversation in the same room. We have a wonderful evening with our Rose Hill friends and are sad when it comes to an end.

I realize my life won't always be this...intense. At least, I hope not.  I am looking forward to some mellower (is that a word?) days ahead. But for now, I am thanking God for my large family and trusting He will meet my needs.  I couldn't do this life without Him. Thank you, Jesus.