Monday, July 28, 2014

New Rooms!

 One thing I was super excited about when Glynne moved out was that I got to move into her room - which has a window! I am so happy! I mean, I miss her tons, but it's also nice to wake up and not have to wonder if it's still two in the morning...

Kate took my room so Mom could have an actual nursery for Jenna. 

The first couple of days were kind of awkward because I would accidentally walk into Kate's room thinking it was still mine. Considering I spent five years in that room, it was a surprisingly easy habit to break.

 eclectic bedroom by Dayka Robinson Designs

This was the inspiration I picked out for my new room! 

I spent one entire day painting and listening to music. I was pretty sick of the color purple when I was done.

My room looked like this up until a few weeks ago when I finally made myself finish it. Although I still need to hang a shelf, hooks, and a few pictures.

Mom and I added some trim to a bulletin board that I painted. Then I recovered the fabric on my chair and spray painted some other stuff that was still yellow. 

Mom repainted Jenna's room a used some of the stuff Kate and I left over to redecorate it.

Mom found the book/plate racks at a garage sale and absolutely LOVES them.

 Hopefully Jenna will be sleeping in her new room soon, and Jonah will actually sleep in his bedroom too. Mom says she'll be kind of sad when they do move out because it feels cozy having them there.

I do have a prayer request for Dad though... He wrecked his dirt bike and broke his collar bone in three places and will probably have to have surgery on his broken thumb, which stinks. So that would be awesome if you would keep him in mind. We love you, Dad!

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.

Hebrews 11:1

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Big Red

Mom - the crafty person she is - is out in the garage putting together a pet feeder. Meanwhile, Jonah is having tons of fun driving his car around with his "race car gloves on." 

While I was playing with the now-almost-grown-up kitties, I noticed this...

The sink was completely full of water and overflowing because Jonah decide to take a bath. I think the kitchen is the only clean room in the house at this moment. Until dinner, that is. Then it will be the messiest.

Then I looked outside and remembered Mom complaining about how our "pet" chicken, Big Red, is now laying her eggs in Mom's flower pots due to the ducks taking over her nesting place.

She does love the eggs we get from the chicken. I asked her if it was worth it...
She answered, "No, Braum's eggs are just fine."

We started our End of the Year scrapbook! Or I have. It's pretty fun to sit up there all alone listening to my music. 

Here are a couple of the pages I've finished...

Well this has been our life for the last few weeks. I am leaving for camp the day after tomorrow and am really excited! I get to be a counselor for this one, which, in my opinion, is way more fun. And... I get to take a break from the kitchen for a while. Should be a good week!

For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.

Mark 10:45

Monday, July 7, 2014

4th of July!

 To celebrate the independence of our country, we had a small get together with family. We played volleyball, the boys shot clay pigeons, then they put on an impressive firework show for us.

Somehow nobody, except Kate, remembered to take any pictures... so I'm going to have to make-do with these two I found on her camera.

We only had one "almost-burned-us-all-up" firework. It shot in an arch right over us and when it exploded it rained sparks down on our heads. It was a big one too. Then Drew scared us all to death when he somehow managed to set off some type of firework in a small tub. In the shock of the moment, he kicked it at us in an attempt to get it away from himself. We couldn't get out of our chairs fast enough.

 Hope everyone stayed safe and had lots of fun!

In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence.

Ephesians 3:12