It's time for another bucket list update! Immediately after my graduation party two weeks ago, we got bored. We checked the list and decided to try #25 - building a house of cards.
For some it worked better than others. Depending upon slippery-ness of cards and all that. We found that licking cards worked better. Gross, but effective.
Drew was a boss at card house building. Check out that look of pure glee!
Kyle was not having much luck... Ha! I'm sure it was cause his cards were slippery-er than Drew's. Maybe.
The rest of us had moderate luck with the cards. It's harder than it looks!
We all had a good time laughing at each other's attempts whether or not they were successful.
A few weeks later, we crossed another off the list - #24.
Old-fashioned popcorn!
Emma poured the oil...
And put in a kernel to test the heat. We did this very specifically.
Next we poured in just enough kernels to cover the bottom of the pan in one layer. Not a single kernel more. We made sure.
Then we waited.
And waited...
Finally, it was done! And delicious!
A great topping for homemade popcorn is garlic salt and oregano.
All credit to the Chrisman family - it's super yummy!
We still have 33 more items to finish on the list... We better get busy!