Friday, November 30, 2012


This is Julie today.

Ally just cracked me up.  You may not find this funny, but I did!
Here's what is going on at our house when she said her "funny."

1.  Landon is gathering items to bury for an archaeological "dig"
2.  Isaac is trying to locate something to put freshly dug dirt in - school project
3.  Jackson is yelling at me to come look at something he has cleaned for me
4.  Kate and Jonah are driving letters to the mailbox in the golf cart 
5.  Bryan is cleaning a coyote skin
6.  Lentils are boiling on the stove for another school project and the timer is going off
7.  Glynne is yelling at me to drain the lentils because she's busy
8.  Emma is yelling about a stink (middle eastern food smell)
9.  The phone is ringing - sorry we didn't answer - as soon as I'm done writing this
blog I'll check and see who called
10.  Now Kate is back from the mailbox and is changing her shoes

This is when Ally (who's in the middle of an Ancient Civ. test) yells from the kitchen table to Kate in the family room.... 

Kate - why are you putting black boots on with brown pants!!!!

Really? Has Hilary Duff from Cheaper by the Dozen moved in with us??  There. A scene from the Davis household!!  

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


     It has been such a long time since my last post! I've been having some technical difficulties with my laptop. It refuses to upload pictures to the blog. Super annoying, I know. Anyway, this month is the month of thankfulness. It's almost over now... but I wanted to do a thankful post anyway! So, I walked around the house and asked everyone what they were most thankful for.

Jackson: I'm thankful for Mom and Dad. Um... Also, I'm thankful for when we got our new house.

Isaac: For Christmas and snow and plants. And food. And people. That's it.

Kate: Um... Family. And that we have a good church to go to. I'm thankful that Mom had another child, and for all our animals.

Landon: I'm thankful for my cat, Black Ops. Our family. Actually, I'm thankful for all of our animals. And our land. Oh, and my shotgun. But that kinda goes with family since they got it for me. Yeah.

Emma: I don't have to go to public school. I'm thankful that we live in a small town and that Dad has a good job.

Ally: Well... I'm not thankful for your (Glynne's) ringtone. It goes off all the time. Can't you use vibrate or something? Anyway, I am thankful for Jonah because I love him and it's almost his birthday.

Glynne: I'm super thankful for Jonah. He's one of the best things in my life right now. I'm also especially thankful for my awesome parents and family. I'm so blessed to have them. This may sound weird, but I'm really thankful for bipolar Kansas weather. Otherwise, it'd be boring.

Dad: I'm thankful that Jesus loves me. For my wife and family. And for my parents.

Mom: Obviously, I'm thankful for the normal things. I feel like I should say something really deep... Oh, I'm thankful that Jonah can finally sleep in his own crib for the whole night. And that Jesus died for me. I'm thankful for heaven where I will eat as much food as I want and decorate all the time.

On a side note, Landon's birthday was this past Saturday! He turned 12!!! I cannot believe he is already that old. It. Is. Crazy. And he's so tall too. I'm dreading the day when my little bro will beat me in the height department. It'll mean he's growing up. :( 

Have an AWESOME Thanksgiving! 

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Snowflake Ballerinas

A while back, I saw this image on Pinterest (Is it just me, or do a ton of my blogs start that way?)... 

And I knew that Katie and I had to try to make them! Katie is a master of paper snowflakes, so if anyone could do it, it would be her. 

A few days ago, she posted this picture onto my Facebook wall. 

Beautiful, huh? I was so excited to try my hand at making some. 
So, we planned a Harry Potter movie/snowflake ballerina cutting night! 

We had to rewind the movie a few times because we forgot to pay attention... but we had a great time. 

I just adore them! 

I'm not sure what I'm going to do with them yet. In the picture, they're hanging from the ceiling, but I'm not sure I want a bunch hanging from my ceiling... 
Eh, I'm sure I'll figure out something to do with them! 

Have an awesome week! 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Jewelry by Ally

November is the month of thankfulness. I'm thankful for so many things that if I tried to do a blog on all of them it would be... impossible. So, I'm not gonna try that! Instead, I'm going to talk about a sibling I'm thankful for. Ally. It's awesome that my sister is also one of my best friends. She is super good at lots of things, but my favorite thing she does is art. Drawing, painting, photography - she's good at it all! Another form of art she's recently become fantastic at, is jewelry design. I love it cause she makes me stuff! I wuve you, Ally. 

Here are some pictures of rings, earrings, and necklaces she's made. Some she's given to me, and some I've just stolen from her. I think she takes that as a compliment. Inside. 
Deep inside. 

This is a recycled t-shirt pom pom necklace. It's too cute for that name. We should come up with a better name.  

Aren't they all amazing? I adore them. 

Comment on which piece is your favorite! 

Maybe we should have a competition with jewelry prizes... That would be fun, right? 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Right At This Moment

When Ally, Emma, Landon, and I were little, we used to have tea parties all the time. We'd dress up in fancy clothes, and Mom would bring out the china. Those are some of my favorite memories and most embarrassing photos. Now that we've added 4 more kids to the craziness, making time for tea parties is more difficult. Luckily, our mom understands the importance of taking time off of school to do something pointless and fun. 

The tea party was reborn! 

Vegetable Soup
French Bread 

Jonah was sad he had to be watching from his playpen. 

While this party was going on, Ally was doing school work for her economics class. Fun! 
Not really. 

REMEMBER! Election Day is tomorrow! It's extremely important to vote, and as important to pray for our country and future leaders. 

"Keep in mind: a wrong thing is wrong even if everyone else is doing it; a right thing is right even if you are the only person doing it." 

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Halloween - 2012

Warning! Long blog post ahead. Beware. 

      What comes to mind when you see this picture? 

Oh, no! The Davis' had a house fire! 
Why is Glynne just taking pictures of their house on fire? 
I know she likes to take pictures, but that's weird.  

Don't worry! None of those things are true - well, the thing about me liking to take pictures is true... but that goes without saying. 

Here is a story of what is happening in this picture:

    Once upon a time, on a late Sunday night, a large, crazy family decided to carve pumpkins. The dad went to the store to get the pumpkins, but got distracted by the other cool things (namely, a fog machine - see where this story is going?), and forgot to pick up the pumpkins. The mom had to go all the way back to the store to get the pumpkins. While she was there, the dad pulled out the fog machine and strobe lights he had bought. He thought that the fog machine would produce fog that floats gently over the ground, but as you can tell... that didn't happen. The fog enveloped the whole house. It invaded every area. It also smelled gross. The crazy family hadn't had dinner yet. So, they ate in the fog. 

Eventually, the fog went away, and they could see well enough to carve their pumpkins. THE END. 

Great story, right? That's our family for you. 

Mom made us brownies while we carved pumpkins. Keep in mind that this is all happening around 9 o'clock. At night. 

Here's Kate's finished pumpkin! Can you guess what it is? 
It's supposed to be two ghosts... but I think it looks more like twins in a womb. 

Emma did tinkerbell. She did a great job. It's super cute. 

This is mine! It's of my favorite broadway show (also the only broadway show I've ever seen...) WICKED! 

This is my favorite. Ally did Wall-E.
 I LOVE IT! It's absolutely perfect. 

Order of pumpkins from left to right: Emma (Tinkerbell), Dad (Dracula), Jackson, Isaac, Kate (Two ghosts/twins in a womb), Glynne (Wicked), Jonah (J), Ally (Wall-E), Landon (Lego Man)

A couple days later, and it was time for Halloween! 

Mom made this Queen costume for Kate out of an old dance costume, and two choir dresses. She also made her a scepter that lit up with Christmas lights, but somehow I didn't get a picture of it! 

Emma did her hair. It was gorgeous. 

Landon and Isaac were soldiers. Later, Landon put some red face-paint on his elbow and tucked his arm up so he looked like an amputee. It was awesomely believable and gruesome.

Jackson the race-car driver! 

And... we older girls were nerds. 

Everytime I look at a picture of all of us, I'm a little shocked. Is this how we look to you all?! There's like a trillion of us! It's craziness. 

Jonah's giving kisses now! Oh, and walking ALL THE TIME! It's adorable! He walked the soonest of us all. For the record, I'm second. ;) 

Jonah was exhausted by the time we left trick-or-treating. He could barely keep his eyes open to crawl. 

Aw! Look at Mr. Fredricksen sleeping. 

Well, that was our Halloween! 
I hope yours was just as fun.