We love football season. There is something about watching your own brother/son play that makes it so much more fun. Landon is now one of the better players on his team, so that means he's getting a lot more play time than he did last year, which makes us so nervous for him! A couple weeks ago he got his first touchdown and we about had a freakout. Unfortunately, we couldn't cheer and scream as much as we wanted to because we were sitting on the other team's bleachers so we could see. We settled for screaming a little and then bouncing up and down on our seats like crazy people.
Landon has his own giant cheering section for almost every game!
Usually during games, all of us girls sit together and make comments about what they should have done in this play or that play. Because we know EVERYTHING about football.
Not really. But we sure think we do.
In order for us to really understand how difficult it is to play football, we decided it was time to break out the flag football equipment Mom bought a few months ago.
Our neighbors, Noah and Damien, came over to help fill out our teams.
I really got into the game and wiped out several times. In my defense, my tennis shoes had hardly any grip on the grass, so when I tried to stop my feet slid out from under me.
I did make a touchdown of which I'm pretty proud. After catching the ball in the end zone, I turned around to stop from being tackled and ended up on the ground in modified splits. Awesome.
Jonah had a ball watching us make fools of ourselves.
Dad even joined in before heading to the hospital to make rounds. Needless to say, our plays worked out much better with him as quarterback.
Overall, we had so much fun.
As long as we make a conscious effort to not get too competitive, we should be ok.
*Side note: THIS IS OUR 50th POST! Yay!